
[Pic Update] SHINee Taemin @TBS-R Walking Festival (20110528 ) #6

click image to enlrage the size!
look at his muscle o.o
We have to thank Jjong to treat him well and introduce him to gym XD
credit: leeplay, shared by: anju angel @soompi, reuploaded by Taemin Forever II please do not hot link!

credit: leeplay, shared by: -crystalll @soompi, reuploaded by Taemin Forever II please do not hot link!

credit: mingmoong, shared by: anju angel @soompi, reuploaded by Taemin Forever II please do not hot link!

credit:nineteen, shared by: winkme @soompi, reuploaded by Taemin Forever II please do not hot link!

credit: Paradyse Key's, shared by -crystall @soompi, reuploaded by Taemin Forever II please do not hot link!

credit: steak house, shared by: anju_angel @soompi, reuploaded by Taemin Forever II please do not hot link!

credit: taemtree, shared by: anju_angel @soompi, reuploaded by Taemin Forever II please do not hot link!

credit: with taemin, shared by: crystall @soompi, reuploaded by Taemin Forever II please do not hot link!

Blue background with with shirt makes Taemin SHINe brighter. Ouch! Please keep your heart beat and use your sun glasses cause summer has been come! Uri Taemin has totally grown up from boy to MAN! Yes Taemin! You are so manly. That's why we love you ^^

TAEM'S FEVER!!! Sorry if there were so many broken links in those picture above before, I am so sorry because this is the first time I use this technique uploading. It's out of y control because I also didn't double checked it T^T It's my bad. I will be more careful next time and use safe and trusted technique like I did before ^^v  Once again, hontou ni gomanasai, jeongmal mianhamnida.

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