
[News] Dream Team Cue Sheet, SHINee Taemin Will Be One of Dream Team! Ayay!

Spoiler Alert!
To see rough translation of the games on the cue sheet

Dream Team: Lee Teuk, Eunhyuk, Shindong, Minho, Taemin, Jungmo
Rival Team: Terada Takuya (Japan)…(don’t know how to spell the names–stars from other Asian countries)
Opening: Introduction and interviews
Couple selection: 14 men and 8 women
Men go and stand before a woman they like.
Women will pick a partner they want.
Those men with no partners will give a demonstration of the game to play
*Men are not allowed to pick a woman of the same nationality.
Pre-game (in couples): Relay Obstacle Race
8 teams of couples will be divided in two groups and do a race on 400m track with obstacles.
Main game: Pentathlon
10 rounds
Record game: Who is the fastest in the obstacle race

1. four Stars 2. swing & two Cylinders 3. five bars with water 4. four windmills 5. turning disc

[Source: DC Shinee Gallery] 
 shared by: jujugal / Subbing SHINee

I think jujugal can't spell Fauzi Baadilah, one guest from Indonesia! Kekeke, it's too hard to write his name in Hangeul I think keke. If you want to know who is Fauzi Baadilah, click spoiler button below. I envy so much to him because his arm was back hugging Taeminnie. T^T


  1. Can I ask to you are taking this photo where?Which site are you make use of?
    İf you are help me I will very happy^^

  2. just like credit I put at the end of this post, it was taken from subbing shinee, you can go there and check the link on the left side (Other Recommendation Site) ^^
    I've put the link there ^^

    but if you ask me about spoiler pic, it has been shared in face book group, i think it was taken from Fauzi Baadilah twitter's personally, sorry can't help you about it T^T

    why you suddenly ask? may I know?

  3. I'm a Taemin fun in Turkey and I want share a lot of taemin's photos on korea fans which site is korea fans' in Turkey.So If I find a lot of photos I will share at that site. Actually,a lot of photos already share but I want share more than.Could I explain to you?
    By the way I wondered subbing shinee but I didnt find more photos.I need reach the photos before everybody^^.I'm sorry to I'm so ambitious.
    Thank you for your help^^

  4. you can go to soompi then, it's an international forum. here is the link

    I have shared it anyway, in credit link (please look at the left side) it's all source of my photo ^^

    hope it will help you :)

    anyway, may I know your site?
    nice to know you

  5. Nice to know you too^^ I havent any sites .I just a member of "korea fans".It is Turkey&korea freindship forum.It's link:

    You can reach it from this link.
    By the way While I was searching another photo site I found a site is Forever_shinee.There are too photos there but it's size are not big .But you can to make use of it.
    Thank you ^^

  6. O.o omo thank you for give me that soompi adress.^^ I wondered there but I mustn't be good .So I didnt find photos .Thank you sooo much.^^
    Kum ab sim nida ^_^

  7. you didn't find the photo? oh, may be you should trace it from the end because the forum is becoming hot thread these days photo you seek was left behind. You can be one of that forum, I can give you guarantee that forum is the best international forum of shinee, even forevershiningshinee is used to find any information from there ^^v

    thank you for your contribution and information too. Glad to here this blog can help you ^^

  8. oh! I find photos which I want at soompi.Thank you for your help.Really you was very helpful to me^^.
    Jongmal jongmal kamsaham nida :) Cham where are you from?May I ask?

  9. whoa, finally ^^
    I am from Indonesia, can I know yours?
    I even don't know your name T^T and where do you come from?

  10. I'm so sorry for write late.
    I'm from turkey and I'm Funda,Funda Aslan^^
    I found your site while I wondering taemin photos sites.I live in istanbul in Turkey,You know?
    Nice to meet you^^And what about you?

  11. Hello funda!
    you can call me yui ^^
    thank you for searching out til find this blog =^.^=
    I have facebook friend from Turkey but we can't chat lately because I prefer blogging than facebooking, keke

    And I think I should re-arrange this blog because I should add more old photos (it's quite complicated while our boy is existed since 2008 ago and so many photos should re uploaded *confuse* I am to much biased by this shining boy, keke).

    I think I will start arranging from today and hope will finish before the end of this week ^^

    hope this new arrangement help more taemints to find Taemin's picture ^^

  12. Thank you so much ^^ Yui :)


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