
[Interview] Taemin on An An Magazine

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credit: TONGHYUN @soompi, reuploaded by Taemin Forever II please do not hot link!
Your favorite J-POP song? 
Onitsuka Chihiro’s “Gekkou (Moonlight).” I listen to this song very often because of her beautiful voice.

If you can take three things with you to a desert island? 
As many friends as possible, water, and a boat to use to come back.

What do you do during a break?
I work out, sing, and dance. I’m also studying Japanese!

What did you buy recently?
A t-shirt.

What is your fashion item for this summer?
A skinny jean, a big size t-shirt, a jacket. I don’t wear accessories.

What kind of girl in terms of fashion do you like? 
A girl who knows what style is good for her and can wear it well to look pretty.

What is your motto?
Do your best and wait for God’s direction. This is our family motto.

What is difficult in learning Japanese?
(Taking an example of a word) Verb or adjective conjugation is difficult!

What do you think you’ll be doing if you were not a singer?
A student. I’m now a high school senior, so I would be studying hard for college entrance exam.

Anyone you respect?
Japanese tutor. I’m envious of his Japanese skills.

Korean Trans by jjj@DC Shinee Gallery | English Trans by jujugal @Subbing SHINee

What an well mannered maknae and his answer's just like a well prepared ones XD

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