
First Taemin Forever's SHINee Chibi ^^

These pics below are the first SHINee Chibi that I made. I know all of them are not good enough but I really want to finish this chibi a.s.a.p kekekeke. Actually, there are so many chibi sketches that have been made (mostly Taemin of course), but I don't know why I really feel frustrated when I get into coloring session, kekeke. It's because of manual or traditional way that I have to challenge with. When everybody nowdays used to use tablet I am still hanging in front of my computer and crashing coloring everywhere by using mouse (luckily I don't have to use my laptop to color this pict, cause it means I will use nothing or without mouse). Well well well, hope you guys enjoy this chibi ^^

click image to enlarge the size!
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1 comment:

  1. ahahaha
    masih bs trima klo minho mirip *sedikit
    tp onew ama Jjong ku T^T

    ayo mbok
    cb lg buat yg lbh bagus
    mianhae cm bs kasi kritikan ㅋㅋㅋ


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