
SHINee Macro Definition

Hii Taemintz, sekarang aku lagi nerbitin kategori baru nih, yaitu Macro! Yuph, SHINee Macro. Kalo ada yang belum tahu apa itu SHINee Macro, nih saya kasi definisinya.

Macro Definition According to Wikipedia
Macro photography is close-up photography of usually very small subjects. The classical definition is that the image projected on the "film plane" (i.e., film or a digital sensor) is close to the same size as the subject.[citation needed] In recent years, the term macro has been used in marketing material to mean being able to focus on a subject close enough so that when a regular 6×4 inch (15×10 cm) print is made, the image is life-size or larger.[citation needed] With 35mm film this requires a magnification ratio of only approximately 1:4, which demands a lower lens quality than 1:1.

With digital cameras the actual image size is rarely stated, so that the magnification ratio is largely irrelevant; cameras instead advertise their closest focusing distance. Macroscopy competes with the digital microscope where a small camera tube can be attached directly to a computer, usually via USB port. Macroscopy also competes with photomicroscopy, and it is much less expensive to achieve high quality images. However, high magnification images are more difficult using macroscopy. 

The method is especially useful in forensic work, where small details at crime or accident scenes may often be very significant towards solving the crime. Trace evidence such as fingerprints and skid marks are especially important, and easily recorded using macroscopy. Fracture surfaces from broken products are very revealing using fractography, especially when photographed using glancing light to highlight surface details.

Macro Definition According to En.Mimi.Hu
Macro lenses typically come in 3 focal lengths, "normal" - 50mm, 90 or 100mm and telephoto - something like 180mm. Each has it's advantages and disadvantages. From the macro point of view, increasing focal length means increasing working distance.

credit: En.Mimi.Hu

Definisi SHINee Macro menurut saya:
Agak jauh emang dari definisi aslinya, tapi menurut saya gambar makro itu memang seperti yang dikatain dua narasumber di atas, yaitu foto close up dengan objek yang kecil tapi...mengandung unsur yang menghibur. Itulah definisi macro SHINee.


Penasaran seperti apa contohnya? Lihat di sini yaaa ^_^

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